Helping consistency of Podcast websites

Our icons are divided into two main groups Apps and Hosts.

Getting started with Podfonts

The Podfont CDN is the simplest, quickest and most reliable way to start using our podcast icons on your new website.

                        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-JH5tKI4CUyK92X34BURCL05JcPhlKOfX7IlfBvkcRn75+/o6JU2PmnlKwOwsYfel" crossorigin="anonymous">

Once you have your webiste ready

Copy this code into the <head> of each page.

Now get adding Podfont Icons

Use CSS classes to add the icons to your pages.

Get Funky with CSS

Easily change the size, colour, and more with CSS.

App Icons

These icons are for desktop & mobile applications used for listening to and discovering podcasts.

                            <i class="pf pf-a-{icon-name}"></i>

Host Icons

These icons are for websites, hosting or analytics services related to podcasting.

                            <i class="pf pf-h-{icon-name}"></i>

Podcast Apps

Podcast Hosts

The podcasting icons make my website so much better! @podfonts